Dr. Beat Hörnlimann, MPH was born in 1958, studied veterinary medicine at the Universities of Basel, Bern and Zurich, Switzerland and later went on to obtain an additional university degree in public health (Master of Public Health). He joined the WHO Reference Laboratory for Rabies in Bern and afterwards the Institute of Animal Pathology at the University of Bern. Since 1990 he has dedicated himself to the study of prion diseases. At the Swiss Federal Veterinary Office in Bern he was mainly involved in the BSE eradication program and served as the scientific BSE/CJD-coordinator for Switzerland until early 1997. He carried out research on BSE epidemiology and investigations on FSE prevention at the Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis, Mittelhäusern, with particular focus on the Swiss BSE cases born after the feed ban of December 1990. Parallel to these activities he contributed to the international harmonization of the Swiss CJD surveillance program and dealt with chemical disinfection – including conventional micro-organisms – for the Swiss Federal Public Health Office, Bern, until 1999. On several occasions between 1991 and 1999 he participated in WHO Consultations on prion diseases. From 1999 to 2003 he served as the Chief Veterinary Officer for Canton Zug (ehem. Kantonstierarzt Kanton Zug). He founded BSE 71-92 Ltd. (SVISS Consulting on Animal & Public Health) in October 2000; a non-profit agency dedicated to networking with prion experts and the aim of publishing interdisciplinary information on prions in humans and animals, as exemplified in this book. SVISS Consulting also focuses on the history of research on prion diseases in humans and animals. Dr. B. Hornlimann’s particular interests are the inactivation of prions using chemical disinfection and the containment of disease.